NC Tax ID Application
NC Tax ID Application
Are you a small business (corporation or partnership) that’s just starting and have employees, or a business operating as a non-profit organization? If so, you need an EIN number. An EIN number is the same thing as a Tax ID. It’s a nine-digit number that is issued by the IRS. EIN stands for your employer identification number. It is used solely for businesses to report and file their business taxes. Using an EIN helps protect one’s personal information such as their social security number because you would use the EIN instead. This number would also be used to obtain a license and permits for your business that are needed. A North Carolina tax id application is one of the easiest applications to fill out. Everything is self-explanatory and common-sense. Filing for an EIN in North Carolina the application can be done online, and your EIN will be emailed to you. First you must know what kind of business you are operating. For example, if it is a sole proprietor, limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, church organization, or non-profit organization. Once you have selected the type of company you will be operating you can continue with the application. There are a couple more things you should have handy before trying to fill out a north carolina tax id application for an EIN. These things include:
• Legal name of business
• The person who is responsible for the business
• The business addresses
• And, a good email and telephone number
Once you have all this information the application would be a breeze. After filling out the form you would wait for the EIN number. Afterwards, when it’s time to file business taxes you would use your EIN to verify your business.